SPEECH208 words
Arsh Saxena July 8, 2021
Write a speech on indiscipline in school.

Good morning respected principal, teachers, and dear friends. Today, I, Rohit of class XI, am going to express my views on “indiscipline in schools.”

We have observed that these days there are a lot of indiscipline complaints with the volunteer group and also with teachers. Indiscipline among the students comes where they don’t listen to teachers and volunteers and take school rules and regulations in hand where this used to be a generation ago. But being the head boy, I would request each one of you that we are students and we should try to lead a disciplined life. Student life is where we build our character. This is the time when we all should try to build up a sound body and sound mind. The sole aim of student life is to gain knowledge as we are the future of our nation. The aim can only be achieved when we students respect our teachers and concentrate on our studies. We should not indulge in acts of indiscipline that will in the end spoil the life of a child and the consequences are to be faced by both the child and his/her parents. In the end, I would request each one of you to kindly cooperate and abide by the rules of the school as we are one family and always be together to help each other in good and bad times.

Thank you!