SPEECH197 words
Arsh Saxena June 10, 2021
As Mukul/Mahima of Alps Public School, write a speech to be delivered in school assembly highlighting the importance of cleanliness suggesting that that state of cleanliness reflects the character of its citizens.

Good morning respected principal, teachers, and my dear friends. Today, I, Mukul, stand before you all to highlight the importance of cleanliness.

Cleanliness is the state or quality of being clean or being kept clean. Everyone needs to learn about cleanliness, hygiene, sanitation, and the various diseases that are caused due to poor hygienic conditions. It is crucial for physical well-being and maintaining a healthy environment at home and school. An unclean environment is an invitation for many mosquitoes to breed in and spread deadly diseases. On the other hand, not maintaining personal hygiene leads to many skin problems and decreased immunity.

The habits learned at a young age are embedded into one’s personality. Even if we inculcate certain habits like washing hands before and after meals, regular brushing, and bathing from a young age, we are not bothered about keeping public places clean.

Good health will ensure a healthy mind, which will lead to increased overall productivity resulting in higher standards of living, thus, developing the economy. It will boost India’s international image. Thus, a clean environment with fewer people falling ill. Cleanliness, hence, is defined to be the emblem of purity of mind.

Thank you!