NARRATIVE109 words
Arsh Saxena June 2, 2023
It was an unusual day at school. A monkey entered the school premises and caused a lot of excitement as well as fear among the students. There was confusion and noise when it entered a classroom and snatched a child’s tiffin in the playground. Write in 100-150 words narrative about this experience showing your role in chasing it away with the help of your classmates.

Today, a monkey caused panic in our school. It entered from the terrace and created confusion and chaos. It also visited a classroom. The children of class IV-C screamed together when they saw it sitting on their window ledge. This caused panic and students rushed out of the classroom. Monkey took out the tiffin from one of the student’s bag. The situation was becoming out of control. Most of the teachers gathered there. Then someone gave an idea to distract the monkey with bananas. The plan was implemented and the teachers made the monkey follow them and left it out of the school campus. It was an adventurous day.