LETTER165 words
Arsh Saxena June 24, 2023
You have seen an advertisement in The Hindu for the post of chief chef in a 5-star hotel. Apply for the job with complete biodata.

Sector M

24 June 2023

The Manager
The Marriott

Subject: Application for the post of the chief chef.

With reference to an advertisement in The Hindu, I came to know about a vacant position for the chief chef.

I would like to apply for the aforementioned job.

Yours sincerely
Manoj Kumar

Enclosures: Certificate, resume


1. Name: Manoj Kumar
2. Father’s name: Suresh Kumar
3. Mother’s name: Rita Kumari
4. Date of birth: 21 April 1995
5. Educational qualifications

Examination/Course Board/University Year %age
Hotel management IHM 2017 96%
XII CBSE 2013 89%
X CBSE 2011 92%

6. Experience

Organization Year Duration Salary
Radisson Blu 2017-Present 5 years+ ₹90,000/month

7. Expected Salary: ₹1,20,000/month
8. Nationality: Indian
9. Languages known: English, Hindi
10. Marital status: Single
11. Additional skills: Photography
12. Contact: +91 12345 67890
13. Reference

Sunil Kumar (Brother) +91 23456 78901
Sonu Singh (Friend) +91 34567 89012

14. Declaration: I, hereby, declare that all the information provided is true to my knowledge.